Today's decisions affect tomorrow's future.
Nutrition matters.

Get the resources you need to make the best health decisions possible for you and your growing babe! 

Hi, I’m Terry Gyde.

Certified Professional Midwife.
Nutrition Enthusiast.
Friend to those in need.
Child of God.

My passion is to help mothers and soon-to-be mothers gain access to wholistic health information, nutritional supplements and natural remedies before, during, and after pregnancy.

How I Can Help


Mindset & Motivation

Struggling to reach your pregnancy health goals?  Learn how to identify and tackle the things that are holding you back so you can have the natural birth you’ve been dreaming of. 



Learn about how to best support your body and your baby’s developing body in-utero and discover practical ways to aid in helping your body do what it does naturally- birth! 


Prevention & Optimal Health

We’ll teach you nutritional hacks that help you get well and stay well before, during and after pregnancy.



It doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie or an expert in pre-natal health. You’re sure to learn something new! We’ll help get you the facts so that you can make highly informed decisions about you and your baby’s health.


What Mommas are saying

"...I do believe it was the education and nutrition that I learned from Terry that saved me. I was boarder line Pre-eclampsia the whole time and really had to watch what I ate...[with Terry,] I learned so much. She was good at not projecting her views on us, just would ask what we thought of different things and then as long as she was satisfied that we had an educated decision she was happy.

A happy momma

"Terry is so knowledgeable in all aspects of pregnancy including nutrition. With Terry’s help and knowledge I was able to avoid being insulin dependent with my gestational diabetes. She recommended a variety of top quality supplements during pregnancy and postpartum. Because of them I am the healthiest I have ever been. Postpartum my milk production has been excellent and my mood has been very stable. I’m so thankful for how wonderful I feel so soon after delivery. Terry has been such a blessing to our family and we are thankful we found her"

Aundie Bland

“From the moment I met Terry, she was such a blessing to work with.What I loved most is she truly cares about taking care of moms and the baby. She stayed on top of me about eating and doing everything I could do naturally to have a safe and healthy birth. I highly recommend her to anyone!"

Sharina Smith

Terry has had every type of birth experience with her own births - c-section, epidural, stillbirth, twins, and homebirth. No matter your birth history, she will be able to relate with you on a personal level.

Kristina McDaniels